Monday, November 16, 2009


The cool breeze of the savanna has opened for a one-day FREE trip. You may visit some elephants and see the great herds of this land.

If you want to visit the savanna go to Africa, India, or Northern Australia.

The savanna has a wet, dry climate. The temperature is usually 68 to 86 degrees. During the dry season the animals migrate to find food but in the wet season the animals migrate back to graze on the food.

The weather is not bad here. Bring some long pants and a long sleeve shirt. You might want to bring a tent, sleeping bag, and a raincoat just incase it is the wet season. Bring lots of water to stay hydrated.

There are many activities to do in the savanna. In Africa you can ride on an elephant, lay and feel the cool breeze in the biome. This is an open space where you can run around for miles and do whatever you want. It is like having a big back yard.

The Senegal Gum Acacia is a thorn tree in the savanna. They are adapted to live withought much rain. They can reach heights of up to twenty meters tall. Another plant is the Umbrella thorn Acacia. This plant has thorns to keep animals from eating it. This plant can survive in fifty-degree temperatures in mid-day and then have freezing temperatures at night.

Two environmental issues in the savanna is acid rain and logging Theses two issues can cause you two never see a savanna again. Logging is cutting down trees and you do not want animal’s homes to be tooken. How would you feel after coming back home from migrating and you can’t wait to eat from your favorite tree and you come to see that it is chopped down? Acid rain causes unhealthy rain to the savanna and when animals drink i

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